Home / News / Here's Why "Bed Rotting" — Laying In Bed All Day Doing Nothing — Is Being Praised And Encouraged By Experts On TikTok

Here's Why "Bed Rotting" — Laying In Bed All Day Doing Nothing — Is Being Praised And Encouraged By Experts On TikTok

Aug 10, 2023Aug 10, 2023

In defence of #inbedrotting because it’s perfect 🛌💙 #lifehack #bedrot #bedrotting #bed #bedroomtok #sleepscientist #fyp

"For some, bed rotting may serve as a form of stress management. Stress and burnout affect both mental and physical health, and relaxation and me-time can help people rest and recharge. What we use to destress can be very personal: ASMR, physical relaxation, and even relaxing music have been shown to be effective stress management techniques," she added.

If you believe you are struggling with symptoms of depression, please speak to your doctor.

Hill said she views bed rotting as the rebranded term for having a lazy day. "It's where you spend parts of the daytime in bed doing activities like reading, watching TV, or using your phone. It's a rejection of productivity culture by doing nothing. Everyone needs to rest and recuperate, though excess time in bed may disrupt healthy sleep patterns. Like other areas of health, 'everything in moderation' is the best advice to separate healthy vs. unhealthy bed rotting. Occasional bed rotting may recharge your batteries, but too much may backfire and may lead to more fatigue," she said.